Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, I have to say that after all is said and done. It wasn't THAT bad. Of coarse I was over prepared and that always helps. I learned to over prepare in college. It gives you a little more self confidence going in than being merely somewhat prepared does. And who doesn't like feeling confident? I really thought that if I could talk for 7-8 minutes I would be doing well. I spoke for 18 minutes! Somebody should have drug me off of the pulpit, I had NO idea my talk would take that long. Good glory...not only am I getting old but I must also be starting to think that what I have to say is terribly IMPORTANT! I am pretty sure that I didn't even give the second speaker enough time to get through everything that he had prepared. People like me make me crazy...I hope the Bishop realizes that he should never, EVER, ask me to speak again!

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