Friday, September 25, 2009


Believe it or not I have figured out a way to put my road bike in my little Corolla! I loaded it last night and couldn't wait to get off work today because I wanted to ride South Fork which is up Provo Canyon. It is quite close to my work...It was BEAUTIFUL! Just as I would get my heart rate up to where I felt like I was getting a work out I would just "HAVE" to stop and take a picture.

The mountains have be
en "Fall Dyed". It is dangerously mesmerizing! I have this music ( you have to know me well to know my choice of music),on my Ipod, it just complements the surroundings so much that I seem to just pedal and pedal forgetting that I am on a road that was meant for CARS and TRUCKS who have NO understanding of the phrase "Share the Road".

As I rounded a corner there was an entrance to a residence...It had a large pole gate with this sign hanging from it. I thought to myself either these peo
ple have a great sense of humor or they REALLY don't like people. Kind of makes you wonder doesn't it?

Further up the road there was this old red barn. I had
to get way off the road and down into the weeds to take this picture. When I came back up I had these little sticker weeds ALL over me...

They were EVERYWHERE. Natures Velcro I thought to myself. I really wondered if that is where they came up with the idea for Velcro. Those things were sticky. It took me 20 minutes to get them all off. I a
m sure that each passing car had a little chuckle...

At the end of South Fork there is a family that owns a ranch. They have the most beautiful horses. I know, I know, I don't even like horses but, these are gorgeous. Maybe it is because they are nestled in such a beautiful place but there are times when I think I could actually like horses again...From a distance :)

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Gorgeous!!! GREAT photo of the plant! Do you ever STOP?!!!!!