Saturday, October 29, 2011


Sutherland, Utah
Sept. 27, 1929

(Today would be grandma's birthday, I think that it is odd how she never really mentions it. Perhaps she may have felt that it would be too selfish on her part...).

Dearest Ward,

Again I am spending the evening in silent visit with you. Why don't you write? Lover if you only realized how worried I am.

The children are all well and happy. The older girls share my anxiety. We watch the mail expectantly and then go to work disappointed.

Today has been a hard day. I have had lots to do and am not feeling very well. I went out last night to help the children with the sheep and have had to pay for it today. ( Remember she is 8 months pregnant).

All of our seed is down now. Marian has a little more to pile. It was so windy Al told her to wait until early morning. So she went out and helped Doris with the threshers. I can't tell just how his seed is running but maybe I can tomorrow evening.

I have a lot of business letters piled up but they can wait until your return.

Mr. Thornton hauled 2 loads of hay today. They had to quit because of the wind.

There is no news and as I write every day what there is will not get very stale.

I will close hoping to see you soon now. But let me know how you are lover, for I am lonesome in a crowd.

With all the love you can handle.


(This was the last of the letters that grandma wrote to grandpa while he was in the hospital. To the best of my knowledge grandpa spent approximately a month in the hospital. The most part was spent flat on his back wrapped up like a mummy for the treatment of blood clots...It's a wonder that he survived the treatment! For those of you who read these little pieces of history I have to tell you that after talking to Aunt Mildred who, was completely unaware of these letters...She told me that grandpa had gone into the hospital because of a severe case of hemorrhoids, this is where my tendency to "over think everything" comes into play. Remember when I said that I thought that grandpa may have had colon cancer? I am convinced that if they would have had colonoscopy's in 1929 he would have been around for a lot longer. As it turned out however, he died about 4 years and two more children later from...Okay, I'm just going to say it "METASTATIC" BRAIN CANCER....That is just me making that diagnosis but, it makes a lot of sense doesn't it)!

The next entries from grandma are from her personal journal and some business journals. They are interesting and more than a little sad at times. Her life was hard. There was not a lot of time wasted. Aunt Mildred said this of grandma. "She was not a 'happy' woman but, she was a 'good' woman and I LOVED her! I am not sure there were many "happy" women during the depression, but to raise 10 children mostly by yourself the last one being a "special needs" child and still be a "good woman" is pretty much calling her a heroine in my book!


Cambria said...

A very good woman. I love hearing you talk of her and reading what she wrote. She was an amazingly strong woman. I know where you got your strength love you mommy !

The Franjesevic Family said...

I love reading these...It makes me want to be better and realize I don't have it that bad.