Saturday, November 20, 2010


Is it really true that hard things make you stronger or do they just make your back hurt and leave a ache in your heart? No matter I suppose, they still have to be done and you still have to pick your self up and continue on. Life is full of hard things or maybe it's just that the difficult times are more easily remembered...either way, I'm not a big fan of hard. Unfortunately we are all dealt our share of hard times. I have watched family and friends go through the worst of times and marveled at their resilience. They have found times of happiness in the hard and peace in times of non-content and unanswered questions.

To my family and the friends who I learn from everyday. I'm still watching and one day thanks to you, I might even get it right...Until then, thank you for keeping me balanced and up-right on this bumpy road we call life!


Stephanie said...

You are such an inspiration to all of us Mom...keep it up- I'm learning from you every day!

Shauna said...

What wonderful advice to your family and all of us who read your blog!!!

Cambria said...

MOM I don't know where I would be without you in my life, or who I would be- You are my best friend and I am constantly amazed by the many wonderful things you do for me every day. You are an inspiration to me to be a better mother, wife, cleaner :), and an all around better person. I hope you know just how much I love and appreciate you and EVERYTHING you do for me.