Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Every now and again things happen in the OR that truly are worth mentioning. Today was one of those days.  There are not a lot of times when I sing the praises of a doctor because of the way he conducts himself with his crew. Usually, he is the "king" and we are his mere servants...Weigh this, weigh that, why did it take so long to prep that patient? I need a 4.0 Vicryl, a 2.0 PDS oh and a 6.0 Prolene...Turn the bovi up to 70, why isn't the suction working? Change the station, I'm not listening to that $#!* all day...Turn the lights on, turn the lights off,  turn the heat down, turn the heat down some more...Open the doors, it TOO HOT.   Hey Joey, I made a mess over here...Catch my drift...So, when one actually is kind it does not go unnoticed by any of  us! The surgeon that I worked with today not only helps us clean and dress the patient when the surgery is done but, helps us get her onto the gurney. He then helps tidy's up the room with the scrub and today while we were taking our lunch break...(a whole 15 minutes), I saw him fill up the fork bin because we were out of forks. He didn't just get one for him, he grabbed enough for everyone and FILLED the fork bin! DOCTORS DON'T DO THAT!!!  You could have blown me over with a feather.  I just had to write it down. I think sometimes I complain too much about how demanding they can be and forget to say anything nice.  There are plenty of nice things I promise.

Just for the fun of it, which Doc do you think that I worked with today? (I narrowed it down to just the plastic Doc's...Just to make it easier :)


1 comment:

Shauna said...

Gosh it's so nice to see nice things coming from people. It's just too bad it's not more often!!!! Glad you had a nice day!!!!!!!!