Thursday, March 18, 2010


I have had several people ask me to post pictures of our trip to Guatemala on my blog so that they could see some of the places that we visited. Tikal is an amazing Mesoamerican city built somewhere around 700 BC and 900 AD. It is built around the Mayan calendar which is still used today in the Mayan communities of Guatemala which are way up in the mountains. (They even speak their own language there. It is a strange sounding dialect that I am sure I could NEVER learn)! The calendar system dates back to 6th century BC...that's a LONG time! It makes NO sense to me at all. I have tried to figure out what they are talking about several times but, all those odd numbers and configurations just tend to confuse me. I think that I will gladly keep the calendar that I am used to. Thirty days has September, April, May and November...

The first picture is of Temple #1. It is referred to as the Temple of the Great Jaguar. Yes, there are Jaguar in the jungle there. Fortunately for us we did not encounter one. We did get to see my favorite monkeys...The Howler's. Man do they make noise! Honestly this place is just incredible.


Just in case you were wondering...YES, I did climb up all those stairs, and yes, they do go straight UP. Hundreds of them...AND, straight DOWN :/

1 comment:

Cambria said...

that looks like a work-out! I'll pass... hahha JK! I wish I could have gone on that trip with you- You guys were able to see and do such amazing things! One day we should all go back there... if this economy ever fix itself!
I sure did miss you though!