We went to Farmington last
I wish now that I had video on my camera so that I could show you how extremely talented she is but alas, only still shots and I am not so good at those yet with my camera. She is pretty patient
She loved the balloons and before you knew it they were all on the ceiling. THE VAULTED CEILING...CLARK!
She had the cutest umbrella that she was twirling around. She said it was for the rain. I thought it was for really darling pictures!
Her new form of travel this year is the tricycle that she got. She is learning to peddle. Once she gets that down I am afraid that Cami and Clark will be out looking for her throughout the neighborhood everyday!
I love Abbie's dance attire! I can hear the PA system at the grocery store now:
( We have a lost little girl at check out stand #3. She is wearing a yellow tutu with bunny slippers and a pair of pink pants. She also has on a off white turtle neck top with 3/4 length sleeves. The Burger King Crown has fallen from her head but can be picked up from the clerk at the check stand along with her magic wand and angle wings. Thank you).
In the end, it's all about the SHOES! Gotta love a girl that at TWO already loves SHOES!
Man oh man!!! Birthdays galore for you! Love the "shoe" thing! Katie is very much like this ... very particular about having the shoes, bag, sunglasses, etc.! They are getting so BIG!!!
the post is darling! thanks again for coming up and celebrating with us! Abbie loved seeing you guys. and you're right this girl DOES know how to dance :) i think her dad must have taught her!
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