Sunday, January 20, 2013

~A B C D~

Sorry about the last post, I was having a migraine sort of day where I really can't think straight. Someone really should keep me away from the computer on those days...I don't know why my girls can't just tell me to "snap out of it" they know that is what I would tell them!  

I hope that this video works.  It is so cute.  This is what I should be posting not "pity party posts".  Please forgive me.  I will try to remember to stay far away from my office when I am having a "headache day" :)


Stephanie said...

So maybe you're entitled to a pity party every once in a while. You read my blog all the time! (Don't worry, no one else does! sniff sniff)

Cambria said...

My daughter and her ABC's she's a keeper!!! Love you mom, we all have our down days!

Shauna said...

Glad you're feeling better Joey!!!!