Sunday, September 16, 2012


It was Stake Conference today so we had the whole afternoon to enjoy.  We are usually in meetings until about 4:30 on Sundays so this was a rare occasion to take advantage of an invitation from Garett and Lisa to get out and see FALL!!!

We loaded everyone into Lisa car, including Wrath and headed to Sundance.  How I love Sundance. Have I ever mentioned that before?  It is just as beautiful in the Spring, Summer and Fall as it is in the WINTER!!!
Here are just a few  of the pictures that I took...I think I had a total of 91 in the two short hours we were gone.  I LOVE digital!

 Charly had to "push" her jogger...Fortunately she grew tired of that pretty fast!
 Gar and Charly by the waterfall
 Charly standing in the water which was COLD!

 Not much water coming over the top but, still pretty!

 Yes!  These are some of my favorite ski slopes!!
 I love aspen :)

 Gar, Lis and Charly

 Couldn't resist. 
 Steve and Wrath.
 Looking down on Aspen Grove.
 We made it!
 The leaves looked different depending on which way the light hit them.
My favorite...the "watermelon bust".


Cambria said...

looks beautiful, wish we lived close enough we could have come with you- that looks like an amazing little hike this time of year! Miss you guys. Rozzy woke up this morning and I could hear her in her room CRYING to go to Grandma Joey's house... just the saddest cry- she misses you!

Caldwell Family 6 said...


* Gar * Lis * Charly * said...

Your pics turned out gorgeous! Pretty day up there

Shauna said...

How B E A U T I F U L !!! You should get the whole family up there FAST for a family picture!!!!