I'm not going to lie, Halloween wasn't as fun when my children were little and I had to actually "go" Trick or Treating". Now, I just wait for the door bell to ring and hand out candy in the warmth of my home...diet coke in hand and favorite music playing
in the background. SOOOoooo much nicer than braving the elements
for a couple of bite sized candy bars. Mostly, this "grandma thing" suits me just fine! The one draw back I find, the thing I feel needs to be figured out is how come time goes by so fast now that I am "grandmatized"? Everything else seems to have slowed down but time seems to have gained speed. I have moments when I wish I could go back and enjoy things a little bit more, you know just really soak it in. Appreciate the people in my life who made me who I am. Who made my Halloweens special, who taught me to "feel" Christmas. Those people who brought Easter alive with trips to the desert, canyon or sometimes our own backyard. Those who knew that a family reunion was an important event that would keep us in touch with our home after we had flown far, far away...
As I begrudgingly say farewell to October I will try to keep in mind how blessed I have been these past few months...Not just because the weather has been glorious but, because "time" has brought us two new grand daughters to watch grow...I will try not to blink for fear I might miss something!