Friday, April 3, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days when you just thought that it was never going to end. Seriously, I started the day at 3:00 am and I am just getting home, it is now 5:00 pm and as I walk through the door and sit down for the first time today I am so glad that it is the weekend and I get to be home with my family for the next couple of days. I love my job and the people I work with but "there's no place like home".

I am looking so forward to conference this weekend. I think it is because I am not just tired physically but my spirit needs a bit of a boost also. It is nice to just sit and listen to those who know so much more than me and learn how to try and do things a little better, and in some cases a LOT better. I hope that I can take that very attitude with me to work on Monday morning because it is going to be another grueling day and I know that my family is getting awfully tired of my complaints so, here's to the weekend...conference weekend, home and family. Does it get any better than that? I personally don't think so and I'm pretty sure that anyone reading this feels very much the same way. I just wish the weekends could last indefinitely!


Shauna said...

I LOVE conference weekend too! Enjoy the cabin!!! Take LOTS of photos for me!!!!!

The Caldwells said...

Thanks so much for the great weekend. Abbie loved spending time with you and Grandpa :)